Dr. 彼得·詹姆斯·弗拉明斯


彼得·詹姆斯·弗拉明出生于2月3日, 1934, 在离伯灵顿小镇八英里的一个农舍里, 科罗拉多州, 彼得和埃尔西·弗莱明. Jim began school in Flagstaff, Arizona, where his father was the pastor of the Baptist church. 这家人最终搬到了奥克斯纳德, 加州, where Jim was chosen as the outstanding athlete at Oxnard High School. This enabled him to earn a football scholarship to Hardin-Simmons University in 1951.

在HSU, 吉姆参加了三年的足球训练, 你是高年级的班长吗, 入选“美国高校名人录”,被收录在阿尔法气中, 全国大学荣誉协会, 担任其主席, 和毕业 优等生 在班上名列第二.

大二的时候, 吉姆放弃了音乐专业,成为一名牧师, changing his major to history with minors in English and psychology. 他师从博士. 鲁珀特·N. 理查森,Drs. 霍伊特和莉娜·福特博士. Lindell哈里斯, 新当选的圣经和宗教系主任, 在他们的影响下得到极大的鼓励.

当我还是学生的时候, 吉姆遇到了雪莉·诺斯卡特, the daughter of the former pastor of First Baptist Church in Abilene. 1955年,吉姆毕业后不久,他们结婚了.

这对新婚夫妇在东地开始了他们的事工, 德州, 在伯特利浸信会教堂, 最近刚刚庆祝了它的50周年纪念. 在伯特利服事的时候, Jim earned the bachelor of divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth in 1959, 1963年获得神学博士学位, 专门研究新约.

After serving as the director of the 浸信会的学生 Union and as a Bible teacher at 德州 Women’s University in Denton, Jim became associate pastor of Park Cities Baptist Church and then Royal Lane Baptist Church in Dallas, 分别, before accepting the pastorate of the First Baptist Church of Abilene in 1966. 吉姆在阿比林担任了17年的牧师, serving also on the Board of Trustees for HSU and for Hendrick Medical Center, and as chairman of the executive committee for the Baptist General Convention of 德州, 1972年在年度大会布道. 当选为BGCT副会长, 吉姆还曾担任外交使团委员会的成员, 并担任哈佛大学校友会牧师. Locally, he served two terms as moderator of the Abilene Baptist Association.

In 1983, the Flammings were called to First Baptist Church of Richmond, 维吉尼亚州. Founded in 1780 during the Revolutionary War, it remains a vibrant historical inner-city church. 在里士满, Jim honed his leadership skills under the tutelage of Peter Drucker, often thought of as the dean of leadership and management in America. After serving the congregation and community of Richmond for over 23 years, Jim retired as pastor of First Baptist Church of Richmond on December 31, 2006.

除了他的宗教活动, such as serving on the Board of Trustees for Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University in Waco, 德州, 以及浸信会世界联盟总会, 在广播和电视上为浸信会时间讲道, and becoming an adjunct professor of preaching at Richmond Baptist Seminary, 吉姆还出版了书籍和文章. 他的著作包括《中文博彩平台》, 上帝与创造, Poking Holes in the Darkness and Other Sermons You Can’t Sleep Through. 他协助彼得·德鲁克撰写了《中国赌博平台》一书, and has written articles for Sunday school curriculum and The Baptist Standard, 浸信会的学生, 向上, 西南神学杂志, 和《中国赌博平台》.

吉姆也曾在许多场合担任客座牧师, 包括复兴, 系列讲座, 学生周, 圣周礼拜, 以及在肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚的东非十字军. In 2003, Jim was invited to preach the sermon for the state of 维吉尼亚州 at the National Cathedral, 这使它成为周日参加人数第二多的州. The invitation to preach was itself an honor, as Jim is a non-Episcopalian minister.

吉姆一直被认为是一个非常正直的人. In 1981, Jim was named as one of the ten most influential leaders in Abilene, 唯一被选中的牧师. 他的其他奖项还包括哈佛大学授予的荣誉博士学位, 杰出校友奖, 也源自HSU, W.T. Conner Award as Outstanding Student in the School of Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and was recognized as one of the “Outstanding Young Men in America.” He was the 2001 recipient of the Humanitarian Award presented by the National Conference for 社区 and Justice, and the 2006 recipient of the Good Shepherd Emblem presented by the Heart of 维吉尼亚州 Council of Boy Scouts of America. 最后一个奖项对吉姆来说意义非凡, since he received the God and Country merit badge when he himself was a Boy Scout. 作为里士满的公民, VA, he was recognized as “the most inspirational clergyman in Richmond,” and was chosen as one of the city’s hundred most influential leaders of the 20th century.

同时把他们的奉献奉献给政府部门, 吉姆和他的妻子, 雪莉, 把时间花在传教上, giving part of their vacation time each year to service in such places Kenya, 坦桑尼亚, 巴西, 西班牙, 哥斯达黎加, 中国, 香港, 奥地利, 和英格兰.

吉姆还喜欢公民服务, 在阿比林的世纪委员会任职, 阿比林基督教青年会的董事会, 阿比林房屋管理局, 阿比林男孩俱乐部, 参加“俱乐部”,里士满的一个男女文学兴趣团体, 维吉尼亚州, 成立于1885年. His hobbies include gardening, playing the piano, photography, flying, and golf.

他和雪莉是三个孩子的父母.D., 戴夫(1991年因白血病去世), 和道格, with one of their greatest joys in life being their eight grandchildren.

当他被通知进入领袖堂时, Jim给HSU发了这个声明, “从奥克斯纳德离开家的时候, 加州, 去中文博彩平台, his mother handed him this verse from Philippians 1:6: ‘Being confident of this, that He who has begun a good work in you will continue until the day of Christ Jesus.’ He is honored to accept this honor from Hardin-Simmons on this day, from a school he dearly loves.”

It is the high honor of Hardin-Simmons University to recognize one of her own and to formally induct 彼得·詹姆斯·弗拉明斯 into the HSU 领袖堂.