Frank Junell

Noted West Texas Civic Leader, BA 1934

As a friend to Hardin-Simmons University, 弗兰克·朱内尔不断证明,无论生活把西蒙斯大学的学生带到哪里, 他会永远记得他交的朋友和他接受的教育. A West Texas man through and through, he never stayed too far away from the region he loved, even while building a reputation as an upstanding businessman.

Frank Junell was born in Sulphur Springs, Texas, on October 29, 1914. 他在布雷迪上学,在那里他是高中乐队的鼓手. 后来,他随家人搬到了阿比林,并于1931年从阿比林高中毕业. 从他踏入校园的第一步起,他就成为中文博彩平台的重要一员. An energetic and involved student, he was active as vice president of the freshman class, president of the sophomore class, a member of various clubs and organizations, editor of the Brand, 也是德州校际中文博彩平台协会的宣传经理. His classmates included Dr. Elwin L. Skiles, former president of HSU, Ms. 奥利莉娜奥尔森,长期担任科学教授和院长的女儿. Julius Olsen, and Dr. 弗吉尼亚·康纳利,阿比林医生,前名人堂入选者. 因此, 当弗兰克开始在名为西蒙斯大学的西德克萨斯浸信会学院学习时,他身边的人都很好.

他在学校里很受欢迎,他在《中文博彩平台》上发表的外交社论强调了这一点. Rupert N. 理查森在他的中国赌博平台历史书《中国赌博平台》中指出, “…one week he urged upper-classmen to be kind to freshman, and in the next paper warned freshmen not to be fresh.” He went on to earn a bachelor of arts degree from Simmons in 1934, and met his wife, Maxine (formerly Simmons), class of 1937. They married in 1935.

After graduation, 弗兰克在哥伦比亚密苏里大学获得中文博彩平台学硕士学位,然后继续在西蒙斯担任中文博彩平台学讲师. 他和玛克辛于1936年与当时的hsu学生主任. Dossie M. Wiggins to Texas College of Mines & 冶金学院(现为德克萨斯大学埃尔帕索分校)注册主任兼中文博彩平台系主任. 弗兰克在播报矿工队足球比赛的同时,还教授了第一堂中文博彩平台课. He was also assistant to Dr. Wiggins until 1941, 当时弗兰克加入了二战中为美国服务的众多男女军人的行列. He was a member of the U.S. Navy from 1942 to 1945, serving a second stint from 1951 to 1952 during the Korean War, and attaining the final rank of Captain in the U.S. Naval Reserve. During his interim time between service, 1946年至1948年,弗兰克在埃尔帕索的罗德里克广播公司担任销售经理, 并在多西·威金斯成为德克萨斯理工大学校长后再次担任他的助理.

After returning to civilian life, 1952年,弗兰克作为新的财务副总裁被欢迎回到四十英亩公司, a capacity in which he served until 1954. This began his long association with various financial institutions. He served as vice president of Citizens National Bank in Lubbock from 1955 to 1959; executive vice president of the same from 1959 to 1966; and finally, as elected president of the Central National Bank in San Angelo, Texas, in 1966 and chairman of the board in 1973. In addition, 弗兰克还曾担任Kerrville第一国民银行的董事, the First National Bank in Brownwood, Reagan State Bank of Big Lake, Coleman Bank in Coleman, First State Bank of Rankin, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

Junell was a civic as well as financial leader, 担任各种组织的董事会成员,包括香农西德克萨斯纪念医院的受托人, chairman of the board of regents of Texas Tech University, and chairman and trustee of Hardin-Simmons. 他曾担任西德克萨斯商会主席和总裁, on the boards of the State Missions Commission, West Texas Rehabilitation Center, 以及德州浸信会总会公共关系咨询委员会, 也是德州浸信会基金会的董事会成员. In the midst of all his professional and civic duties, Frank was a devoted father to his three children, 抢劫, 丹, and Janice, and still found time for soccer games with his grandchildren.

中国赌博平台在1986年授予他荣誉法学博士学位,以表彰他的辛勤工作和慷慨精神. 1999年,他获得了基特校友奖,这是中文博彩平台提供的最高校友奖.

Late in his career, 1987年,他在《中文博彩平台》(Texas Monthly)的一篇专题文章中被称为西德州的权力掮客, listed as San Angelo’s single source of civic power. 同年,他因其“卓越的领导力”而被商会经济发展部授予“年度杰出经济发展商”称号, his attitude, and his ability to get a job done.”

他与教育界的联系得到了安吉洛州立大学和德克萨斯理工大学法学院的表彰,并以他的名字授予了奖学金. 安吉洛州立大学最近建成的多功能中心也以他的名字命名,以表彰他的家人对该机构的许多贡献.

Frank Junell died on October 15, 2000 at the age of 85, 还没来得及看到安吉洛州立大学朱奈尔中心的竣工, or his imminent induction into the HSU Hall of Leaders. Nevertheless, 他的遗产将活在他家人的心中,也将活在每一所大学学生的生活中,因为他的协会而变得更好. 他的荣誉不胜枚举,实至名归,我们很自豪地为他再添一项荣誉.

中文博彩平台非常荣幸地表彰她自己的一位,并正式将Frank Junell引入HSU领袖堂.