Moxley Featherston

Federal Judge, BA 1935

Judge C. Moxley Featherston was born in Jayton, Texas, in 1914. When he was two years old, he and his family took a 90-mile trek by horse-drawn wagon, moving to the rural farm town of Petersburg. At Petersburg, 他们买下了一个小农场,一家七口住在一间四室的房子里,没有自来水.

When Moxley was 14, 他的父亲在用马拉的铁犁犁地时,被一场突如其来的雷暴击中身亡. Moxley’s mother, now a widow with five children, 被迫依靠这些孩子获得额外的经济支持.

莫斯利在很小的时候就受到父母和其他家庭成员的崇高基督教道德的影响. 他在八岁时自愿成为教会的一员,并在一个露天的土缸里受洗.

He graduated from Petersburg High School in 1931, and in 1932, 靠有限的奖学金和他大哥的经济帮助, Moxley began his freshman year at Simmons University. 他还在西蒙斯图书馆工作,每小时挣20美分. 从阿比林“跳”到拉伯克定期回家的货运列车并不罕见.

1935年,莫克斯利以优异的成绩从中文博彩平台毕业. While a student at HSU, Moxley was active in many organizations, including the History Club, Pre-Law Club, Library Club, Debating, sophomore edition of the Brand, Alpha Chi, and was a four-year Pi Kappa Delta member. In 1935, when Simmons University became Hardin-Simmons University, 莫斯利被同学们选为这所新命名的学校的第一任学生会主席.

Moxley was known as good looking and charming, 不止一个同学在他的年鉴上写道,他是校园里最友好的学生.

在大四开始的时候,他遇到了他未来的妻子,罗斯·罗斯,她是HSU的大一新生. 这对夫妇于1938年12月结婚,育有三个孩子:罗斯安、尼尔和罗斯.

莫斯利以夜校学生的身份进入了乔治华盛顿大学法学院, working during the day for the federal government. In 1939, Moxley在GWU法学院获得法学博士学位, 在那里,他在《中文博彩平台》工作,并被选为Coif. 他于1939年被哥伦比亚特区律师协会录取,并于1940年被德克萨斯州律师协会录取. 这时,他在赫里福德从事一般法律业务, Texas, 不久之后,他担任了农业部的律师, handling litigation relating to the farm loan program.

From 1942 to 1945, he was an attorney for the War Relocation Authority, and in 1945, 开始在司法部税务司任职, 在1949年至1951年期间,他被任命为美洲事务研究所助理总法律顾问.

Returning to the Justice Department, 他于1958年至1964年担任审查科科长,1964年成为民事审判助理. In this capacity, 他负责全面监督所有在美国的退税试点工作.S. District Courts of the Court of Claims.

1967年,他被林登·约翰逊总统任命为美国税务法院法官,他杰出的职业生涯得到了奖励. He served in that capacity for 22 years, 并被同侪选举为主审法官,任期四年. During this period, he presided at trials in more than 50 U.S. cities and authored more than 1,000 written opinions. Described as inscrutable and patient, 费瑟斯顿法官于1977年被他的同事选举为首席法官. It was a status he held until 1981. Three years later, he became a senior judge.

莫斯利于一九五六年代表律政司获颁嘉许状,以表扬他的卓越服务. 他因表现出最高的法律和行政能力而受到承认, coupled with patience, modesty and good judgment, 他的职责是处理最重要和最困难的庭外和解. 1972年,莫斯利被授予中文博彩平台杰出校友称号.

Upon retiring, Rose and Moxley moved to El Paso, Texas. They soon joined a church and Moxley, true to his work ethic, qualified to be a law arbitrator for the City of El Paso, a community service position that offered no pay, but a chance to assist others.

莫斯利于1998年4月去世,罗斯四年后也去世了. 根据他们的意愿,他们的遗体被捐赠给了位于拉伯克的德克萨斯理工大学医学院.

He has been described as a modest Christian gentleman, a man of culture, refinement, scholarship, and unusual ability, 他是一个善于将对立的观点转化为一致的决定的人. With faith and determination, 莫斯利克服了困难和贫困,从事了一份有趣而成功的职业.

中文博彩平台非常荣幸地表彰她自己的一位,并正式引入C. Moxley Featherston into the HSU Hall of Leaders. 我们要感谢费瑟斯顿法官的家人今天出席他的纪念仪式.