
Date Event Start End Location
28-Jun-22 牛仔竞技表演彩排 7:00 PM 9:00 PM Band Hall
29-Jun-22 牛仔竞技表演彩排 1:00 PM 3:00 PM Band Hall
29-Jun-22 竞技表演 7:15 PM 10:00 PM Stanford
30-Jun-22 竞技表演 7:15 PM 10:00 PM Stanford
1-Jul-22 竞技表演 7:15 PM 10:00 PM Stanford
2-Jul-22 竞技表演 7:15 PM 10:00 PM Stanford
28-Aug-22 CBB夏季乐队 2:00 PM 7:00 PM Band Hall
10-Sep-22 西德克萨斯集市游行 10:30 AM 11:30 PM Downtown
24-Sep-22 足球vs UMHB 6:00 PM 8:30 PM 谢尔顿体育场
1-Oct-22 足球对. McM 4:00 PM 6:30 PM McMurry
8-Oct-22 足球vs南罗斯 1:00 PM 3:30 PM 谢尔顿体育场
14-Oct-22 歌唱,篝火表演 6:00 PM 9:30 PM behren礼堂
15-Oct-22 足球vs ETBU(返乡) 1:00 PM 3:30 PM 谢尔顿体育场
16-Oct-22 返校崇拜仪式 9:30 AM 10:30 AM Logson教堂
17-Oct-22 游行比赛表演 5:00 PM 8:00 PM Wylie HS
25-Oct-22 市民管弦乐团音乐会 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 阿比林会议中心
29-Oct-22 足球vs HPU 1:00 PM 3:30 PM 谢尔顿体育场
3-Nov-22 吉姆·内德百货公司的动员大会 9:00 AM 9:35 AM Jim Ned MS Gym
5-Nov-22 橄榄球vs奥斯汀大学 1:00 PM 3:30 PM 谢尔顿体育场
9-Nov-22 HEB分享盛宴 4:00 PM 7:00 PM 沃斯堡
21-Nov-22 大学音乐会乐队彩排 12:00 PM 2:00 PM behren礼堂
21-Nov-22 大学音乐会乐队秋季音乐会 7:30 PM 8:30 PM behren礼堂
29-Nov-22 阿比林圣诞游行 6:30 PM 8:30 PM Downtown
1-Dec-22 徐氏树照明 6:00 PM 8:00 PM 安德森的草坪
2-Dec-22 游骑兵圣诞游行 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Ranger
3-Dec-22 达拉斯节日游行 10:00 AM 12:00 PM Dallas
7-Feb-23 市民管弦乐团音乐会 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 阿比林会议中心
7-Mar-23 彩排 12:00 PM 2:00 PM TBD
7-Mar-23 联合音乐会乐队与麦克默里 7:30 PM 8:30 PM TBD
15-Apr-23 市民管弦乐团音乐会 7:30 PM 9:30 PM 阿比林会议中心
28-Apr-23 音乐会彩排 12:00 PM 2:00 PM 派拉蒙剧院
28-Apr-23 牛仔乐队彩排 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 派拉蒙剧院
29-Apr-23 音乐会和牛仔乐队的春季音乐会 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 派拉蒙剧院
29-Apr-23 牛仔乐队100周年纪念宴会 7:00 PM 10:00 PM 阿比林会议中心

世界著名牛仔乐队在游行队伍中行进.“世界著名”牛仔乐队, 一个历史悠久、传统丰富的乐团, 一直是HSU的重要组成部分, Abilene, 和西德克萨斯自1923年4月成立以来. Membership in the 牛仔乐队 is open to all HSU students, 不论男女, 有高中乐队经验. The band regularly performs for football and basketball games, rodeos, 总统和州长就职典礼, parades, 以及许多其他校园和公民活动. 每年演出约35场, it is one of the most widely heard and seen musical ensembles in all of West Texas!

顾名思义, this highly spirited band has literally traveled the world entertaining audiences. It acquired the nick-name “World Famous” after its European Tour in 1930. 从那时起,它就在亚速尔群岛演出, Belgium, Bermuda, Canada, England, Germany, Holland, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Monaco, 纽芬兰, Spain, 和瑞士. The 牛仔乐队 has performed for six Presidential Inaugural Parades and events: Herbert Hoover – 1929, 富兰克林D. 罗斯福——1941年,德怀特·D·罗斯福. 艾森豪威尔——1953年,理查德. 尼克松——1969年,吉米·卡特——1977年,乔治·W·布什. 布什- 2001. The Band has also performed for 11 Texas Gubernatorial Parades and events. Recent travel has included performances in Boston for the Lion’s International Convention and at the San Francisco Pow Wow, 世界上最大的旅游盛会之一, 应州长里克·佩里的要求.

世界著名牛仔乐队在舞台上表演.The 牛仔乐队 dresses in colorful western attire that has changed little over the past 91 years. 早在1923年,格雷迪·金索尔辛, 阿比林商会的秘书, 找到了西蒙斯学院的乐队指挥杜威O. Wiley, and asked the band to represent Abilene at a West Texas Chamber of Commerce gathering in San Angelo, quite an honor considering that the little band had previously ventured no further than the towns of Baird, Tuscola, and View. In looking for a distinctive yet affordable uniform, a visit to the local dry goods store turned up some chaps, hats, 和围巾. 牛仔乐队诞生了!

What is it that makes the Hardin-Simmons University 牛仔乐队 so memorable and unique in the entire band world? It isn’t the band’s size – the band typically numbers between 40 and 55. It isn’t fancy uniforms – the band wears traditional western attire. And it isn’t a strict military regimen, that’s for sure! Why does the 牛仔乐队 thrill audiences whenever and wherever it performs?

While most bands are satisfied with performing for others, the 牛仔乐队 does more. It works hard to engage its audiences on an individual and personal level. 它加入了庆祝活动! 这一特点, coupled with the world’s fascination with the free-spirited cowboy of the American West, 这可能是它所到之处受欢迎的原因吗!

世界著名牛仔乐队的鼓手.The band’s largest audiences are generally at parades. The 牛仔乐队 annually marches in the Dallas Children’s Medical Center Holiday Parade (previously the Adolphus Parade). 在这个游行中, the band will perform for more than a half-million people along the parade route. It is also broadcast in more than 30-million homes across North America.

While marching at a super-fast cadence of 200-210 beats per minute the band shuffles into view, whooping, 大声疾呼, 在空中挥舞着他们的帽子! Their leather chaps move in smooth unison as the band seems to float along. Suddenly two band members break rank and join arms to “swing-your- partner” square dance style. Occasionally, a band member my stop to greet bystanders by moving through the crowd shaking hands. Another may borrow a chair to sit for a second and fan her hot feet with her hat. Along the way the band strives to make eye contact with everyone on the parade route.

Soon the drum major gives the signal and the band begins playing The Eyes of Texas, 国歌3月, Hey Baby, 或者《中文博彩平台》, 随着音乐前后摇摆. 定期, they come to a complete stop with a huge stomp and begin a series of four giant scissor-kicks which crisscross each other. Known as the “cow-step,” this spectacular maneuver always elicits cheers from the audience. 小伙子们飞扬, 仪器闪烁, and general “carrying-on” during each kick it is an impressive site! Suddenly a whistle blows and the band whirls back into its rapid cadence, holding hats aloft and whistling and 大声疾呼 with irresistible enthusiasm! This infectious enthusiasm is present in all of the band’s many performances! 现在是牛仔乐队表演时间! 微笑无处不在! 记忆是形成的!