Degree Audit Information and Q&A

联邦第四章援助和州财政援助条例规定,联邦和州的援助不能授予那些不计入学生学术课程的课程. 如果学生参加了不计入其学位或证书的课程, those courses cannot be used to determine enrollment status. HSU使用称为“学位审核”的学生信息传递过程来更密切地监控学生的课程,以满足联邦法规要求.

Q: Do the degree audit regulations apply to all students?

Q: Why are only courses required for the degree considered eligible?
有关学生经济援助的联邦规定表明,学生注册的课程不计入学位, 证书, or other recognized credential, cannot be used to determine enrollment status.

Ex. 如果学生上15个小时,12个小时完成本科学位课程,那么他们仍然是第四章目的全日制学生. 如果一个本科生花了15个小时,只有9个完成了学位课程, then we consider them a ¾ time student and prorate aid accordingly.

Q: What financial aid programs does this impact?
Federal Title IV aid and state financial aid programs are affected. 在许, Federal aid includes the Federal Pell Grant, 直接贷款, Graduate and Parent PLUS 贷款, the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), and Federal Work-Study. State financial aid affected includes the 学费 Equalization Grant.


Q: Are electives considered eligible in the degree audit?
选修课程的资格不超过学生学位所允许的选修课程的数量, as per the program’s degree requirements.

Q: What about remedial courses?

Q: What about repeated courses?

Once a student passes a course (earned A, B, C, 或D级), he/she can retake the course a second time and receive federal aid (if eligible). Regardless of whether or not the second attempt is a pass or fail, the student cannot receive aid for another attempt. Ex. If the student earned a ‘C’ in a class and wants to attempt to earn an ‘A’ or ‘B’, a student may use Pell to pay for the class. 如果学生的成绩是“B”,他就不能在第三次尝试中使用联邦资助来尝试获得“a”。.


No, only one retake for a better grade. Because they previously passed the course, they would not be able to take for a third time and receive aid.

Q: Can a student repeat a WP?
学生退修的课程不算作是重修以前通过的课程,以确定学生的注册状态. 当学生退学时,这些尝试不计入完成或重修课程.

Q: Are prerequisite classes eligible for financial aid?



Q: What about dual undergraduate and graduate degree programs?

If the student is classified as an undergraduate student by HSU, 但是,该学生正在学习的研究生课程并不适用于完成本科学位, then it becomes problematic, 特别是在学生没有参加本科学位完成要求课程的学期(在这种情况下,学生将被视为少于一半的入学时间,用于入学报告和经济援助)。.

Q: Are students notified that their courses will not be covered by financial aid?
Once registered, 学生将在他们的自助服务门户网站上看到一条消息,告诉他们如果他们的课程不符合兼职资格,他们就没有资格获得相应的奖励, three-quarter time, or full-time enrollment. 财政援助办公室也将每周监测和通知学生,可能需要额外的建议.

Q: Who should a student contact with questions?
学生首先需要与注册办公室就有问题的课程和学位课程要求进行合作. 如果确定一门或几门课程不符合学生计划的条件, 请建议他们与经济援助顾问交谈,以确定经济援助和其他支付援助选择的变化的意义. or 325-670-1050.